Robotic process automation (RPA) is the use of software with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities to handle high-volume, repeatable tasks that previously required humans to perform. We offer an Employ software robots to automate simple repetitive tasks and manual processes, enhancing the work of human workers by enabling them to focus on innovative, customer-focused initiatives.

Automating repetitive tasks saves time and money. Robotic process automation bots expand the value of an automation platform by completing tasks faster, allowing employees to perform higher-value work. By using RPA you make sure to delegate your time-consuming manual tasks to a digital workforce, while elevate employees to more strategic tasks―all while leveraging your existing IT infrastructure.

Our market-leading RPA product is AI-powered platform that automates business processes using smart software robots that run seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Our RPA platform lets you quickly build, deploy and manage automated robots directly on a centralized server that interacts across internal enterprise systems, web sites, web portals, desktop applications and other data sources—without requiring APIs, scripting and complex coding. With the richest set of next-gen RPA capabilities, our product combines robotic process automation, business process management, process mining and cognitive document automation to empower organizations to automate and digitally transform human- and information-intensive processes.

Common examples for processes which can be replaced by bots:

  • Transferring hours from a timekeeping system to a project billing system
  • Moving data between multiple, overlapping ERP Systems
  • Supply Chain Operations (which are typically multiple, internal and external systems)
  • Reconciling invoices against orders from disparate systems
  • Manual validation of business rules (like spending or expense limits)


  • Optimize employees efficiency: Free your employees from repetitive tasks so they can apply their skills to activities that require a human touch
  • Increase efficiency while considering HR limitations: Increase operational efficiency without added headcount
  • Reduce errors to a minimum: Eliminate manual data-driven process activities and human error
  • Speed up work: Match the speed of business by deploying robots to new process activities without months of development
  • Reduce IT dependency: Dramatically lower development cost and time and address the “long-tail” of business needs—projects that business groups want but IT can’t prioritize
  • Optimized prioritization: Streamline the collection of important business data and leverage critical insights for business decisions
  • Consistency: Complete processes the same way, every time—resulting in more accurate and reliable outcomes

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